OK... continuing on sustaianbility...
Beyond the Triple 'P's - People, Planet and Profit.... the search went on...
Islandwood's (seattle) leadership and sustainability program... that was this year's (2007) retreat from work... - islandwood's two cents on sustainability added that missing piece that I was looking for...
like my three P's they have their four E's...
Economy (=Profit), Environment (=Planet), Equity (=People) and Education...
So... Education could be the missing piece to the puzzle huh! so what does that mean to me??
lets dig... dig deep...
I was in India (home) this year in May (2007). I am a southie.. I have never been to northern India in all my 21 years of stay... I've always wondered how the north would look like... feel like...
In this trip... I took a lil adventure... decided to fly through New Delhi and spend a day there and take care of some paperwork for my Indian architectural licensure...
North felt warm... I mean super freaking hot and humid :-(
I know a decent level of Hindi (Indian national language - majority of the people in every state other than my home state can converse and understand Hindi... poor me!!)
With my "Hindenglish" I managed to stay at a hotel near the airport and hire a taxi for the full day I was going to spend in New Delhi... My cab-driver 'Sujit' was a nice guy... he wanted to learn english and I wanted to learn local hindi... so the entire day was fun... He took me around New Delhi... (Insert picture - India Gate - a tribute to Indian soldiers killed in Afghan wars and WW-I)
I was amazed to find New Delhi that clean and almost felt like back in the United States...
New Delhi was notorious for its air-pollution rates... a few years ago the city passed a law that all public transporation is to use CNG (compressed natural gas) as the primary fuel... in a democratic country with corruption down to the street... such laws have very little effect... but New Delhi managed to pull it... Every single taxi, public bus, auto-rickshaw... is just unbelievably hybrid with cleaner fuel than petrol and diesel..
the most shocking thing was... for evey single kilometer in the inner governmental complex... there is a recycle bin next to a trash bin on the street... for crying out loud.. on the streets!!! who will believe that this is India... But there it was... New Delhi was making the change... I was so proud of New Delhi...
My day was short... had to get back to my age old south!! Sujit - my cab driver just had a baby boy two weeks ago... I gave some extra tips and asked him to buy something for his kid... by the time his kid reaches 20... I am dreaming that India will be upside down... for the good!!... this change will then be the norm!!!
Anticipating to visit New Delhi again on the way back to the United States... I bid my farewell to the national capital New Delhi....
Little did I know, that my second visit to New Delhi will leave an indelible mark... an Indelible mark on my soul that will help me realize what and where my future could be... stay tuned!!